
Kaden's Birthday Party with Face painting

Last Sunday we join glad that can join Kaden's Birthday Party in TST Mcdonald's. Thanks for Jacqui let us to join the party and Rebecca was incharge for the face painting party .

Color for Face Painting...

Rebecca is drawing the fairy on little princess face..

Rebecca with Spider-man ( birthday boy )...

Turned to be spider-man hero...

Rebecca : Do you like this heart...
Janice : mmm...i love that...

See ..i got the heart with wing...

I can be hero too...

I got the pink heart too...

Orange heart is match my clothes...

We got different heart ...........

Princess ..what do you want ?

I want to Big butterfly....

mmm..I got butterfly on my arm....

Mon with son got flower together...

Romantic flower with butterfly  both on face now..

Two rose with two beauiful mom..

Rainbow on my arm too....

Siblings got two different color snake ,
of course this is fm Rebecca..

Picture name is " Boating for the sunshine day"

Let see how many candy i got?

Princess said" i love rainbow too"

So many many photo and memory for Face painting....

