
What the guy carry ? 

Bag is the important accessories for the whole image. What kind bag you will carry?

Let see below..


Love Gothic

甜美的好萊塢女星 Anne Hathaway(安‧海瑟威)在九月號的 Interview 雜誌搖身一變成為優雅的哥德式性感美姬。時尚攝影師組合 Mert & Marcus 拍攝了她身著 Nina Ricci、Gucci、Dolce & Gabbana 以及 Tom Ford 等最新款服裝,一改以往的甜美公主形象,這些黑白攝影作品顯示安‧海瑟威的多變與另外一種性感。

Photo via here


Men Image advance course return......

For some pple request , Men Image Advance course return . We are so happy that can have Sara be our lecture. She is special work for the men style as HK pop singer.

In this course she will teach as below skill for men image.

-Find your personality dressing code and how to mix and match .
-Know more about the formant dress, casual, sport wear ,dating wear.Different and   suitable dress code.
-Dress do and don’t common knowledge
-Accessories with dressing mix and match
-Hair style

Course detail

Date : 8 , 15, 22 Sept ,2011
Time : 7:45 -9:45
Fee:  HKD 750
Address : DFCA workshop .
Seat: 5- 10 seat

if you are insterest , please email  to : modedsgn@gmail.com for resvers seat.


More cute face painting photo ...

Let see my Mermaid...

I'm Bufferfly girl

Get more jewelry..

My cat walk with me..

Mum,,  i'm spider girl now ...

Shiny heart here..

Want to try for the face painting ? Let go party with us tomorrow.
Face Painting Party.. 


Party ..Party.. Party..Party........in Coming Saturday.....Face Painting with Augest Birthday Party..

Let share more some face painting pic ...

Kitty Girl is here..