Party & Event

Kaden's Birthday Party with Face painting

Last Sunday we join glad that can join Kaden's Birthday Party in TST Mcdonald's. Thanks for Jacqui let us to join the party and Rebecca was incharge for the face painting party .

Color for Face Painting...

Rebecca is drawing the fairy on little princess face..

Rebecca with Spider-man ( birthday boy )...

Turned to be spider-man hero...

Rebecca : Do you like this heart...
Janice : mmm...i love that...

See ..i got the heart with wing...

I can be hero too...

I got the pink heart too...

Orange heart is match my clothes...

We got different heart ...........

Princess ..what do you want ?

I want to Big butterfly....

mmm..I got butterfly on my arm....

Mon with son got flower together...

Romantic flower with butterfly  both on face now..

Two rose with two beauiful mom..

Rainbow on my arm too....

Siblings got two different color snake ,
of course this is fm Rebecca..

Picture name is " Boating for the sunshine day"

Let see how many candy i got?

Princess said" i love rainbow too"
Party Event for the Face Painting & Drawing Bag..

Last Sat we pass the happy and woundful weekend "Isla & Alex Birthday Party". Thanks for Vivian let us to join this party. 

Rebecca help the children do the face Painting..

Face Painting is start now....(開始彩繪臉)..

Drawing the Rainbow...

Hehe..other rainbow...

Fire on face, fire in life

 And Yoko is handle the drawing bag for this event ..

Be creative to design the own bag..

So much color for drawing bag..

Mon & Kid with fun together.

What do you like?

one side for face painting, one side for drawing bag...
 Everyone carrry they smile and woundful memory for this evet..

So lovely...


Rainbow on  face..

Let smile...

Badman is here too...

Fire on face, Fire in life..

See the bady & kid  Face painting..

Let take the photo together...

Love Face Painting.......

LET'S PLAY !! In this summer before school, DFCA X Rebecca Yum will have the fun face painting party
Rebecca will teach face painting skill topic for "Creepy Crawlies & Flower --大自然" for this hot with beautiful summer.

炎炎夏日, 星級化妝師 Rebecca Yum X DFCA 親子繪臉派對. Rebecca 會即場示範及教授繪花,蝴蝶, 蜜蜂...等等技巧,...
而小朋友可以在同場手繪布袋. 使小朋友及父母可以同樂...
Date :27 Aug 2011 (Sat)
Time : 2:00-3:15 (1.15 Hours)
      地點: 九龍彌敦道172-174號太平洋大廈地下 (山林道 McDonald's)
           Address : G/F-1/F Pacific Mansion, 172-174 Nathan Road, Kowloon (Hillwood McDonald's)

Fee : 1 Kid+ 1 Adult ---HKD 300 ----1(小童 + 1成人)----HKD 300
1 Adult ---HKD 200 ----1 (成人) ----HKD 200
Family (2 Kid + 2 Adult 成人----HKD 400 ----- 家庭 (2 小童 + 2 成人) ---HKD 400

Fee are including using cosmetics and the gift pack of following

( 費用是包括的化妝品及以下禮物包)

- Watercolor brush nylon x 1 set ---- 一套彩繪用
- Mask x 1 pc ---- 面具 x 1 pc
- Carry Bag 1 pc ---- 不織布袋 1 pc
- HKD 50 McDonald's food (in the party) ---- HKD 50 麥當勞食物 (用在派對上)
- McDonald'sgift x 1 pack for children ---- 麥當勞 禮物 x 1 (小朋友)
- Venchi chocolate x 1 pack For Adult ---- Venchi chocolate x 1 pack (成人)

Gift Pack is worth HKD250 .. ---- 禮物包總值是HKD250..

If you or your children birthday in August , we have the birthday Cake & 5% Discount for celebration.

Parents can be in a fun atmosphere, create a better parent-child relationship, if you want to know more about your children, why not learn and play with them,家長在一個玩樂氣氛 中,建立更良好的親子關係, 如果你想更了解你的小朋友, 何不與他們一起學習和玩樂, 親子課程兒童的面部彩繪派對 它適用於所有的孩子5歲了
If interested in attending, please e-mail: reservation or call 6478-0525 Yoko

如有興趣報名,歡迎 e-mail : modedsgn@gmail.com留位或致電查詢 6478-0525 Yoko

Ps. If like us in facebook fan page " DFCA" , will got 10% Discount for this party.. Please come and join the hot summer party...

    About the face painting..

    很多人查詢有關 Face painting (人體彩繪)問題及疑問: 現在把一些問題一一解答.

    : 1) 用在臉上顏料是否安全?

    : 我們採用80多年歷史美國品牌Mehron是全球推廌在專業化妝品和人體彩繪的用品的品牌.產品是全美國製通過FDA(美國食品及藥物管理局)檢測可以用作身體及面部彩繪適合大人及小朋友用
    : 2)顏色是否容易洗掉?

    答 : 顏料是水溶性,用清水就可以輕易洗掉不會殘餘在臉上


    答:家長可以放心工具是不用在我們禮物包內有面具1個和一套彩繪用是可以在派對上即場用 面具是給家長作為練習用,因為衛生問題採用全新一套彩繪用


    : 當然可以,我們的禮物包有面具1個和一套彩繪用你可以在即場體驗及學習彩繪樂趣,而且你可以獲得當中HKD $50麥當勞美食意大利名牌朱古力”Venchi Chocolate”及把你自己作品袋回不織布袋.


    : 當然可以,我們的禮物包內有一個不織布袋,小朋友可以即場手繪自己喜歡布袋而我們亦有即場導師教小朋友手繪,家長們可以安心學人體彩繪樂趣。


    : 每一組參加都可以獲得禮物包一份,只是大人是可以得到意大利名牌朱古力”Venchi Chocolate”一個面具,一套彩繪用HKD $50麥當勞飲食而小朋友可以得到麥當勞生日會禮品一份和一個不織布袋是每組1包,家庭(2小朋友和2大人) 是可以獲得2

    問:7)可否即日參加 ?

    : 因為禮物包及名額亦有限,我們只能接受預先報名,提前在817日前報名可享有85優惠,請盡快報名體驗及學習彩繪樂趣。

    Face painting Event Detail
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