
基本紙樣及縫紉初階 ( Paper Pattern & Sewing course )

及衣車運用車縫直線和彎線的技巧 , 車縫製成品的工序安排及配件的車縫技巧;明線拉鍊和隱形拉鍊的車縫技巧;熨斗的運用;以及常見口袋的種類及車縫技巧。學員會以兩人一組使用衣車,並於課堂上實習半截裙及恤衫的車縫技巧
Ø     小組教學                                         
Ø      如之後課堂仍有不明白地方可再聯絡查詢 
n          課程為HK$850每月4
n          每堂2小時
n          如同時報讀2個課程, 或者2人同行可亨有每人減30. 3人或以上每人減40  (需一同上課)
學員請自備工具及物料 (如有需要導師可以代購)

地點: 九龍官塘偉業街德隆大廈4/f 425室,

日期 :  逢星期

上課時間: 10-12  am (基本紙樣--裙子&褲子  )
                2 -4 Pm  (基本紙樣--裙子&褲子 變款)
                4:30-6:30  (基本紙樣--上衣&連身裙 )

需要其他時間可以email Or 致電查詢 or Whatapp or Line. 

報名方法 : e-mail : modedsgn@gmail.com或 致電 or Whatapp or line 查詢 6478-0525留位


Victoria's Secret 2013 party

 Victoria’s Secret Fashion Show 2013  – one of the biggest and most expensive extravaganzas on the style calendar.

 A riot of colours, crystals and jaw-dropping costumes, this year’s show took Birds of Paradise, a British Invasion , Parisian Nights, Shipwrecked , Pink Network  and Snow Angels as its  six themes with 40 models parading down the catwalk and a multitude of wings.



Photo fm here


" Control Yourself" Fall/ Winter 2013 Agent Provocateur..

Love with sexy lingerie special for the Agent Provocateur.

The new Collection " Control Yourself" Fall/ Winter 2013 .

" Control Yourself " a humorous take on three models being pried and pulled backstage at a runway show who assert themselves in the lingerie brand's sexy wares. 

Control yourself

Discover the Autumn Winter 2013 collection here: agent provocateur